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The majority of the population (98 percent) is Bengali, with 2 percent belonging to tribal or other non-Bengali groups. Approximately 88 percent of the population is Muslim, 10 percent is Hindu, and 2 percent is Buddhist, Christian and people from various tribal groups. Majority of the Muslim community are Sunni, while some Shias, Ahmadiyas and Sufis also live in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has an approximate population density of 1,084 per square kilometer (2,808 per square mile). Annual population growth rate is at about 1.30 percent. Infant mortality is approximately fifty nine per one thousand live births. Life expectancy at birth for both men and women is 60 years, yet the sex ratios for cohorts above sixty years of age are skewed toward females.

Primary enrollment rate being very high, 97%, with very satisfactory performance of schooling throughout the country, adult literacy rate (53%) is expected to increase to a good height soon. Among primary and high schools 53% are girls and 47% are boys.

Approximately 75% of the people live in the rural areas of Bangladesh. By and large the country is agro based that generates more than 45% of country’s employment. About 35% of out total population is aged below 15, while 61% are aged between 15 and 64 years indicating that majority of its population is young.